Adapted from email to family and friends…
Coming to you from Field, British Columbia where it’s a heatwave and ~30C.
We finished Section C earlier today which included 5km along Highway 1, where we clocked a fast pace due to it being the most risky thing we’ll do the whole trail!
This section we ticked some of the classic hikes of the Rockies including Assiniboine to Sunshine, and the Rockwall.
Back-to-back 35km days added up, and in the last couple of days the lower distance and elevation has been a blessing! We definitely have our “trail legs” by now. However due to the heat and sanity levels snagged a camp earlier along the Rockwall avoiding a 40km and 2500m day on our itinerary (phew!)
So grateful to see so many amazing ridges and summits and passes and valleys and glaciers with the huge weather high we have. The temps have meant a couple of times we’ve had to think more carefully about water. We managed to find a pond coming out of Assiniboine’s aptly named “Valley of the Rocks” but it would have been an uncomfortable end to that day if we hadn’t.
A wonderful resupply by Nick and Chantal in Sunshine Ski Resort. They hiked our resupply up! Legends! On through the meadows of flowers to the rocky Whistling Pass, which was a highlight for us both. We learned what looks unappealing from a highway can be a secret magical portal…

Due to the heat and distances a few evenings we came into camp late like 10pm. We’d eat earlier on the trail at some ridiculous viewpoint. There is something magical about the evening light and seeing the mountains turn to giant shadows at that time. Current sunset is 9.49pm. The headtorch rarely gets touched.
Feet are great. The body’s ability to adapt is incredible. We are proud of what our bodies have done so far. Toes are still a bit numb but that’s typical for thru hikers apparently!
Thanks for the comments we love them! Been taking lots of video too so that’ll be a fun project later.
Fun facts:
– Most popular wildlife: Marmots! Like the fat fluffy house cats of the mountains.
– Moose sightings: none but we heard one crashing through undergrowth.
– Bear sightings: one (small grizzly in a big meadow near Sunshine Ski Resort, took off when it saw us).
– Mountain passes and saddles crossed in the last 8 days: 14 with a total of 8,692m elevation over 221km.
– Most adorable warden cabin: Helmet Falls with asters everywhere omg heavenly.
– Food leftover: three tea bags, half a handful of pepitas, few dried apricots.
Tonight we see a potential restriction on access to the start of Section D due to a fire that started from lightning a couple of days ago. While the fire is small and under control we will evaluate our options in the morning. We’re in touch with some other hikers who we’ve met the past sections. Might need to get creative. Feeling a little sad as we’re in the groove, but wildfire isn’t something to mess with.
Stay cool or cozy wherever you are…
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