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Great Divide Trail – Section G

Adapted from email to family and friends…

Just when you thought your inbox was safe…

Seriously though, we’re delighted to share one last update from the Great Divide Trail (GDT) this year. It’s a long one so grab a cuppa!

On 19 August we returned to the trail to complete 90% of the most northern part of the trail, Section G. Yippee!

We were creative, going SOBO (southbound) from Bastille Trailhead near Kakwa Lake (our original end point) to Blueberry Lake Trailhead (an exit before crossing into Jasper National Park boundaries).

We left our car at the Blueberry Lake Trailhead, surrounded by chicken wire to deter the porcupines from chewing wires etc. Yes that’s a thing. A local guide in McBride shuttled us on active logging roads to reach our northern starting point.

Over five days we covered 135km and 4,600m elevation. It was great to enjoy the schedule flexibility Kakwa Provincial Park and Willmore Wilderness Area provide through random camping. 

We took two zero days (zero kilometres walked) and put in a stoic 40km+ day with 1600m elevation to beat a weather system with snow forecast. The last two kilometres that day took us over two hours; the majority of that time spent bush-bashing thick willows along the banks, trying not to fall in thigh deep holes, or the river, with our head torches like tiny fairy lights in the remote wilderness. It was the height of adventure on the trail!

Overall we survived the Jackpine Valley, which we would both do again in a heartbeat, because it’s so ridiculous: about 20 river crossings required. Including three in darkness on the long day. I don’t know how many times I apologized to my feet, socks and shoes as they gushed and sloshed.

It is wild and outrageously beautiful in the north of the GDT. We didn’t see any other hikers the whole week, however we did run into a maintenance crew from the GDTA! Legends. 

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